Page 21 - Kotov
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the hardware implemented stack memory access. The machine-level language was based on the Reverse Polish
       Notation (which needs no parenthesis), and represented sequences of operands (or pointers on operands) placed
       on the stack with operations performed on the operands at the top of the stack. The Elbrus system software was
       written in proprietary high-level language El-76, which was developed in parallel with the design of the hard-
       ware. The Elbrus designers strongly relied on El-76 for all needs to write system level software. It was similar
       to Algol-68, whose block structure easily executes on a stack-based architecture. El-76 had better-developed
       condition-handling constructs, but, unlike Algol-68,  provided parallelism only at the procedure level. The Elbrus
       operating system had functionality similar to that of the Burroughs Master Control Program.
       Among other available high-level programming languages were: Fortran, COBOL, PL/1, Pascal, Refal, Lisp,
       Forth, Simula-67, and SNOBOL4.

       Elbrus Related
       Elbrus 1-K2, or SVS. The Elbrus program was actively supported and financed by the Soviet military-indus-
       trial complex. However, delays in the design and production, as well as concerns about to radical switch from
       previous computing environments to new proprietary architecture and software, force to think about softening
       the transition from popular BESM-6 to Elbrus by developing Elbrus 1-K2,  better known as SVS, a specialized
       Elbrus processor compatible with the BESM-6 software and Elbrus hardware. SVS significantly expanded  main
       memory and external storage capabilities for old programs of the BESM-6 users.
       Elbrus 3-1. The core of Elbrus 3-1 was a powerful modular pipelined processor capable of handling two indepen-
       dent threads: vectors and scalars. Scalars are injected into a vector pipeline and  processed between two adjacent
       components of the vector. The memory switch provided up to 8 concurrent memory accesses per a clock cycle.
       As a result, the processor speed  reached 500 MFLOPS on on vector operations. It was assumed that SVS, which
       had a decent amount of memory and rich BESM-6 software, will act as a host machine, using  Elbrus 3-1 as a
       powerful vector-scalar co-processor.
       Elbrus 3. Elbrus 3 developed in 1986 was a 16-processor computer. Its VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) ar-
       chitecture was completely different from the architecture of both Elbrus 1 and Elbrus 2. Its serial production has
       never been launched.

       Elektronika SS BIS
       Vladimir A. Melnikov, one of the designers BESM-6, left the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer
       Engineering to start a new project, independent of the Elbrus design. The project was sponsored by the semicon-
       ductor industry to test  how the LSI (Large Scale Integration)  chips could by used  to build high-performance
       mainframes. After analysis of the current advances in supercomputing, the decision was made to follow the
       Seymour Cray way and to design a vector pipeline computer, called Elektronika SS BIS (BIS is the Russian
       abbreviation for LSI).
       Elektronika was not a clone of the Cray’s computers and its architecture incorporated some interesting new solu-
       tions. For example, the operation of division was done in one cycle instead of three cycles as in Cray 1. There
       were separate functional units for the floating-point scalar and vector operations that parallelized processing of
       scalars and vectors. There was also a semiconductor mass memory, which was an intermediate broker between
       the main (RAM, random access memory) memory and the external storage. It was designed to store actively used
       files and to eliminated the imbalance between the low-speed transmission of data from disks and fast processing
       of the data in the processor. A specialized processor chose data in an arbitrary order by calculating their addresses
       on-fly  during the communication between the main and mass memories. An important achievement was the cre-
       ation of an efficient freon cooling system. Completely original was the software for  Elektronika SS  BIS aimed
       at achieving high-efficiency in using the hardware and at optimizing the application execution.
       In 1985, a prototype was successfully tested. In a single-processor version, it  delivered up to 250 MFLOPS, that
       for the mid-80’s was quite consistent with the supercomputer level. However, the final version of the computer
       appeared only in 1989, when its component base was already outdated, and performance lagged far behind the
       global standards for the high-performance systems.  Nevertheless, by 1991 four copies of “Electronics SS BIS
       were delivered.

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