Page 13 - Kotov
P. 13

The Minsk Family
                                                             The first series of the family, Minsk-1, was started in
                                                             Minsk, Bielorussia, at the end 50-s and was one of the
                                                             first  Russian  serial  mini-computers  on  vacuum  tubes.
                                                             Average performance of Minsk-1 was 2,000-3,000 in-
                                                             struction per second. It was used mostly for scientific
                                                             and engineering applications.


       The next series Minsk-2 (Minsk-22 and Minsk-23) was
       one of the first mass-produced transistor mini-comput-
       ers in the Soviet Union. It was able to input, process,
       and  output  of  complex  textual  information  and  was
       widely used in ASU. An aggregate  structure  and the
       ability  to  easily  vary  the  system  configuration  made
       these computers popular in data centers, in research in-
       stitutes, design bureaus, and industrial enterprises.


       Minsk-32 was the most popular Russian computer of the second generation. It has absorbed all the best that had
       been achieved in the Minsk-22 and Minsk-23 both in architecture and software. The computer was extensively
       used in the business applications. Most commercial data centers were equipped with these machines. At the meet-
       ing of the Comecon in Budapest in 1972, Minsk-32 was recognized as the base computer for  developing  ASU
       in the Comecon countries.


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